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Candi Borobudur: Marvel of Javanese Architecture

Candi Borobudur: Marvel of Javanese Architecture – Candi Borobudur, often referred to as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, is a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of ancient Javanese architecture. Located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, this majestic structure attracts millions of visitors each year. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty, Borobudur is a symbol of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and a marvel of engineering and design.

Historical Background

The construction of Candi Borobudur is believed to have begun around 750 AD and was completed in 825 AD. The Sailendra Dynasty, known for its support of Mahayana Buddhism, commissioned the temple. Subsequently, the structure was abandoned in the 14th century as the influence of Buddhism waned and Islam spread across the archipelago. Rediscovered in the 19th century by British Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the temple has since undergone several restorations to preserve its grandeur.

Architectural Design

Borobudur is designed as a single large stupa and, when viewed from above, takes the form of a massive tantric Buddhist mandala. This architectural marvel is divided into three main levels: the base (Kamadhatu), the body (Rupadhatu), and the top (Arupadhatu), representing the three realms of Buddhist cosmology.

The Base (Kamadhatu)

The base of Borobudur is a square, with each side measuring approximately 118 meters. It consists of a series of hidden footings with reliefs depicting scenes of earthly desires, symbolizing the world of human beings dominated by passion and lust.

The Body (Rupadhatu)

Above the base are four square terraces adorned with intricate reliefs. These terraces represent the transitional world, where humans are released from their worldly concerns but are still bound by form. The reliefs on these levels illustrate the life of Siddhartha Gautama and various Jataka tales.

The Top (Arupadhatu)

The top part consists of three circular platforms, each smaller than the one below it, topped by a monumental stupa. This section represents the formless world, where physical forms are abandoned in the quest for enlightenment. The circular platforms are adorned with 72 stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.

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Symbolism and Meaning

Borobudur is not merely an architectural wonder; it is a giant stone textbook of Mahayana Buddhist doctrine. Consequently, the reliefs serve as a visual representation of Buddhist teachings, guiding visitors through the stages of enlightenment. Each level symbolizes a step towards spiritual liberation, culminating at the central stupa, which signifies the ultimate goal of Nirvana.

Cultural and Religious Significance

Borobudur holds immense cultural and religious significance for Buddhists worldwide and It serves as a pilgrimage site, especially during Vesak, when thousands of Buddhists gather to celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha. Furthermore, the temple’s design and reliefs provide invaluable insights into the life and culture of ancient Java.

Preservation Efforts

The preservation of Borobudur has been a continuous effort. The first significant restoration was carried out by the Dutch colonial government in the early 20th century. However, the most extensive restoration project was undertaken by UNESCO between 1975 and 1982. Today, Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, ensuring its protection and conservation for future generations.

Modern-Day Tourism

Borobudur is a major tourist attraction in Indonesia, drawing visitors from all over the world. Its stunning sunrise views, intricate carvings, and serene surroundings make it a must-visit destination and Consequently, tourism has provided a significant boost to the local economy. However, it also presents challenges in terms of maintaining the site’s integrity and managing the environmental impact.


Candi Borobudur stands as a marvel of Javanese architecture and a symbol of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage. Its intricate design, profound symbolism, and historical significance make it a treasure trove of knowledge and a source of inspiration and Therefore, as we continue to preserve and cherish this monumental site, Borobudur remains a testament to the spiritual and artistic achievements of ancient Java – Candi Borobudur: Marvel of Javanese Architecture

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